Anxiety is the natural response our bodies have to stressful or threatening situations, playing a vital role in our survival as a species. It activates the fight, flight, or freeze response, preparing us to face perceived threats head-on.
However, when we experience prolonged stress, it can lead to a chronic anxiety response, which may develop into generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). At this point, even day-to-day activities can feel overwhelming as anxiety connects to situations that usually pose no real threat. Navigating these challenges can be tough without proper support, and in some cases, might even result in agoraphobia —the fear of stepping outside one’s home.
It’s common for people to think that the key to managing anxiety is to control or eliminate it. In truth, much of our anxiety arises from a disconnect between our minds and bodies. This disconnect can stem from exhaustion, suppressed emotions from past trauma, or the pressures of unrealistic work expectations. Often, individuals seeking help discover they have been avoiding these difficult experiences, mistakenly believing that pushing through life will make them fade away. Unfortunately, this can lead to anxiety becoming an all too familiar part of their lives.