Anxiety Treatment

Anxiety treatment at The Bay

Anxiety is the natural response our bodies have to stressful or threatening situations, playing a vital role in our survival as a species. It activates the fight, flight, or freeze response, preparing us to face perceived threats head-on.

However, when we experience prolonged stress, it can lead to a chronic anxiety response, which may develop into generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). At this point, even day-to-day activities can feel overwhelming as anxiety connects to situations that usually pose no real threat. Navigating these challenges can be tough without proper support, and in some cases, might even result in agoraphobia —the fear of stepping outside one’s home.

It’s common for people to think that the key to managing anxiety is to control or eliminate it. In truth, much of our anxiety arises from a disconnect between our minds and bodies. This disconnect can stem from exhaustion, suppressed emotions from past trauma, or the pressures of unrealistic work expectations. Often, individuals seeking help discover they have been avoiding these difficult experiences, mistakenly believing that pushing through life will make them fade away. Unfortunately, this can lead to anxiety becoming an all too familiar part of their lives.


How do I know if I have Anxiety?

  • You second guess and overthink your thoughts and actions
  • You often feel apprehensive, nervous, and uneasy
  • You are fatigued and even feel physically unwell and think that something is wrong with your health
  • You are unable to relax and feel calm or settled
  • Your mind is either racing, or a complete blank
  • You are irritable, tense and “on edge”
  • You experience a dry mouth, headaches, sweating or shaking
  • You worry excessively and imagine negative outcomes
  • You have compulsive behaviors that you use in the hope of reducing negative events or feelings of anxiety


Occasional anxiety, while uncomfortable, is a natural and useful part of life.
It is your mind’s way of alerting you to potential risks and giving your body the extra energy charge it may require to assess the situation and stay safe. When the alert switch stays on when it is not needed, and when it frequently escalates to a panicked feeling, anxiety becomes problematic.

Sensitive, compassionate and Evidence-Based Anxiety Treatment

At The Bay you can expect sensitive and compassionate, therapeutic, individualised care, offered by experienced professionals. We employ current, evidence-based practice in all of our therapeutic programs. Our teams approach is in line with best practice treatments for anxiety-related disorders and include cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), psychotherapy, behavioural therapies, and humanistic therapies.

Your holistic program will also include integrative modalities such as yoga, tai chi and Qi Gong meditation, naturopathy and acupuncture, working with your whole self, in the overall recovery process


Anxiety Treatment and After-Care Program that grows with you

The Bay clinical team knows that anxiety treatment is a slow process and can involve multiple modalities. Your personalised treatment program grows with you, ensuring that your comfort and wellbeing are of utmost importance. We will help you to find the keys to unlock your anxiety triggers and set you on the path to create a life that can be rich and satisfying.


What our guests say

I have attended other programs and felt overlooked due to the needs of the more complex clients that were in the program. At The Bay I was the focus of the team and gained a greater understanding of my situation… to make the changes required to live the life I wanted.

Having a psychology background I was very particular about what I was looking for, I didn’t want group therapy because I was at a point where I knew I needed individual therapy… it has been five months since I left The Bay, it has changed my life.

I have been in treatment before but couldn’t seem to achieve the changes I wanted. The compassion shown to me by the incredible team at The Bay has taught me to set boundaries with others, allowed me to re-align my expectations of myself and others and live the life I have been craving.

The compassion shown to me by the incredible team at the bay has taught me to set boundaries with others, allowed me to re-align my expectations of myself and others and finally live the life I have been craving for many years.

My wife found The Bay after doing a lot of research looking at programs all over the world. Treatment centres here in the US are very different! My life has changed in so many ways and I continue to stay clean and sober, thank you for all you have done.